Welcome to Moon+ Womb, a reincarnation of the moon lodges, women's circles and goddess temples that have existed since the dawn of wom|man|.
Moon + Womb was birthed out of the idea that women once honored the sacred rite of menstruation and gathered together to support, share and celebrate the journey from menarche, through menstruation, to motherhood, to menopause. Community was built in the shape of a circle: the shape of the first womb, never ending and all encompassing. Tribal leaders were born from a network of wise women who had seen many moons and knew the secrets and mysteries of the Earth. The red tent, moon lodges, and other forms of the women's circle in all cultures supported humanity for thousands of years.
At Moon + Womb, we dreamt of bringing that space back to the women of Earth, starting with our monthly Red Tent gatherings in Denver.
Our Mission is for all women to know the sacredness of their blood, and the power of actively working together to restore the sisterhood. We provide the space for gathering and access to alternative menstrual and womb care and support.
Just like our moon time, we recognize that our lives are cyclical, and there are periods of shedding and reclaiming. We are on the journey in a woman's body, learning the ebb and flow and ready to share what we have learned, for all living beings on Earth to know peace again.
“In the native American tradition if you wanted to destroy a village you simply destroyed the Moon Lodge – the place where the woman gathered every new moon to intuit insight to govern the tribe. So it stands to reason that the fastest way to rebuild our global village is to re-instate the tradition of the Moon Lodge or Red Tent.” ~ Tanishka
Moon + Womb is the creative vision of Elizabeth Ogletree. Sparked by an initiation as a Red Tent Priestess into the Our Red Tent Sisterhood, Elizabeth set out to solidify a thriving red tent community for the women of Denver, CO, gathering every month on the New Moon since October 2015. Inspired to follow this path by her Grandmother Sue, a woman who wore red every day of her life and who died when Elizabeth was 9 of ovarian cancer, Elizabeth felt a deeper need for women to rediscover ancient ways of maintaining womb health through ritual and magick. Through her dynamic and spiritually rich visions and paintings of the Goddess and her unique approach to working with the magick of the menstrual cycle in ceremony, Elizabeth provides inspiration, creative encouragement, and space holding for the women of Denver in her circles, offerings, and artwork.
From 2017-2018, she owned and operated Moon + Womb, a permanent space for the red tent circles and women’s work that she and the other women in the community had to offer. Moon + Womb closed its doors in April of 2018, but Elizabeth still hosts red tent circles monthly under the New Moon in Denver, with other offerings in the Front Range and beyond. Elizabeth facilitates the Womb Room, the yoni steam tent at Red Earth Herbal Gathering, Colorado’s only Annual Women’s Herbal Conference. Visit www.redearthherbalgathering.com to learn more. Elizabeth works with Yoni Crystals as their Customer Admin Manager and Sister Support. Visit www.yonicrystals.love to learn more. She is available for commissioned artwork, Red Tent Priestess training, labor and birth doula work, yoni steaming, magickal menstrual education, and more.
For more information and to get in direct contact with Elizabeth, please email her at moonandwomb@gmail.com.